Bylaws of Women of Evergreen Businesses
Article I
Definition of Terms
The following words or terms when used in these Bylaws shall have the following meanings:
A. “Association” shall mean Women of Evergreen Businesses.
B. “Businesses” shall mean a Member’s occupation or establishment (leadership capacity; conducting business or practicing in the Evergreen or surrounding areas; registered trade name).
C. “Member” shall mean individuals who hold membership in the Association.
Article II
The name of this Association shall be Women of Evergreen Businesses (WEB).
Article III
The purpose of this Organization is to promote the Members of the Women of Evergreen Businesses through verbal and moral support, joint advertising, and community efforts and fundraising events.
Article IV
Section 1. Up to three individuals may become Members within the same business category or industry. All new Members of the Association will be voted in by the membership after the application has been reviewed by the Executive Committee for possible conflict with more than three other Members’ businesses.
Section 2. Any Member who relinquishes their rights defined by Article IV, Section 1 shall notify the Association in writing.
Section 3. All monies paid to the Association are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Section 4. All Members shall attend monthly meetings occurring on the second Monday of each month. No more than four absences with prior notification per year are allowed except in the case of a pre-approved leave of absence including no more than two absences without prior notification. If the limit of four absences or two absences without prior notification has been reached a letter will be sent from the Executive Committee placing the Member on probation. If another unexcused absence occurs, the Member will be notified in writing their membership has been revoked.
Section 5. By vote of a majority of a quorum of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may revoke the membership of any regular Member of the Association without cause. Examples of such revocation may include:
a. Failure to timely pay dues or joint marketing assessments.
b. Engaging in any act or practice deemed as unethical.
c. Engaging in any other activity which is determined by the Executive Committee to be obstructing to the best interests of the Members of the Association.
d. Failure to fulfill minimum requirements outlined in Article IV, Section 4.
e. Noticeable lack of participation in events and fundraisers.
Section 6. No Member of the Association will have their membership revoked by the Executive Committee pursuant to this Article IV unless, at least 30 days before the date upon which the Executive Committee determines to vote upon a Member’s revocation, the following has occurred:
a. The Member has been advised in writing by the Executive Committee of the proposed revocation vote; and,
b. The Member is given an opportunity to cure the matter which has resulted in the proposed revocation; and,
c. The Member is afforded the opportunity to attend and to address the Executive Committee at the revocation meeting.
Section 7. Upon revocation of membership in the Association, the former Member will lose all rights as an Association Member to advertise or associate themselves with the Association. No dues or monies will be refunded upon revocation of membership.
Article V
The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, and an Executive Committee approved by the membership. Each Officer shall hold office for a minimum of one year, renewable annually by approval of the membership up to three years or as approved by the Executive Committee.
Article VI
Executive Committee
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Officers of the Association and up to two additional Members elected annually by the Association.
Section 2. The President of the Association shall be chairperson of the Executive Committee.
Section 3. The President and any two Members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum to conduct business.
Section 4. The general management and business (filing status, permits, etc.) of the Association shall be performed by the Executive Committee.
Article VII
In applying for membership or through membership renewal, each Member acknowledges, through payment of their Association dues, they are acting as an independent business owner and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Women of Evergreen Businesses (including its Officers and Members) from any liability, cause of action, damages and the like, due to any action or inaction of the Member of Women of Evergreen Businesses.
Article VIII
Fiscal Year and Elective Year
The fiscal and elective year of the Association shall be the year commencing on the first day of July and running through June 30.
Article VIIII
Books and Records
The Association shall keep correct and complete books and records of account. Minutes of the proceedings of the Executive Committee shall also be kept.
The above Bylaws are hereby adopted by the Women of Evergreen Businesses by a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee on this 11th day of January 2025.